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Tuesday 31 December 2013

Fashion Icons for 2013

So finally the year 2013 has come to an end. I was thinking about my favourite style icons for 2013.Those people who really did it for me. They all have a different style but I learn something from each and everyone of them.

Blake Lively - I love her style because it's so fashion forward yet simple. She loves showing off her gorgeous legs and assets in the most tasteful way. Most of you may know her from the television series "Gossip Girl".

Rita Ora - Many say Rita's style was mostly inspired by Gwen Stefani, and I can definitely agree. The blonde hair , red lipstick and loud urban style definitely looks familiar but with that said, she has made it her own. I can't pull this look off because it's very loud which isnt my style but there's always something  to take from it.

Ciara - If it's anybody who represents my style completely, it's your girl CC. So fabulous! Street but sexy all at the sametime. She's got a body to die for so we don't mind if she flaunts it. She can find the perfect balance between street and elegant. Gotta love her.

Bonang Matheba - In South Africa,  Bonang has to be just about everybody's favourite style icon. Young women are inspired by her and it's not just because of her many succeses and achievements. When it comes to this lady style, you should be taking notes.  She's versatile and flexible with it but always polished!  ♥!

Nandi Mngoma - I love her for her very vintage , playful style. I'm not sure if I'd be able to pull off this style either but its interesting and hard to ignore. 

Now let's see what the fashion world has in store for us in the year 2014!

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Birthday Girl

You only turn 22 once in your life time! I didn't have much planned for my birthday(24/12/91) and just kind of let it play out.  Go with the flow. That idea turned out to work out perfectly as it should.

I spent the day before my bday with some of my dearest friends at Suncoast beach. What a lovely day it was! Apart from the stares we got for wearing bikini's without shorts (because apparently durbanites aren't accustomed such).

Suncoast is a great place to be at in December. So many different people from all over the country. Some of which were quite entertaining and they dont even know it!

I spent my actual birthday shopping for other people.
Nonetheless, being with the people who matter most to me was the best way to spend my day.

I cannot forget to mention ,waking up to a delivery from Roxstar bikini just waiting for me.It was actually my first gift for the day. Thank you @roxstar_bikini and @sabloggers for the lovely gift.♥ Will be rocking it soon.


Wednesday 18 December 2013

The Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is becoming more and more popular because people are becoming aware of its health benefits.

My mom is the one who got me sipping on green tea. For her,it was mostly for weight loss. For me however, I drink it to simply keep healthy and perhaps keep those body fats in check especially now that its festive season. Can't get away from all those delicious festive foods!

I prefer the Rooibos Brand because it is caffeine free,has low tannin and this particular one has ginger which is a very healthy ingredient.

I'm going to share some of the health benefits that come with drinking green tea.


1) Weight loss - This is one of the most common reasons for drinking green tea. It increases metabolism and burns fat.

2)Diabetes ~ It regulates glucose levels,slowing the rise of blood sugar levels after eating.

3) Heart disease- Scientists believe that green tea helps with the lining of blood vessels, helping them stay relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure.  It helps protect against the formation of blood clots which is the most common cause for heart attacks. 

4) Tooth decay- Chemical antioxidant "catechin" in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections and other dental conditions. 

5) Depression- Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It provides a relaxing and tranquilising effect.It always helps lift my mood. 

6) Skincare- It helps reduce wrinkles and any signs of aging. You're never too young to worry about that!

7)Cancer - It is known to kill cancer cells without damaging the healthy tissue around them.

I definitely don't drink green tea for the taste, but rather for what it means for my health and wellbeing. 
Two cups a day should do it but if you wish to have more you should consider taking supplements instead unless you don't mind keep you going to the bathroom all day.

There is caffeine in green tea. I am sensitive to caffeine,thats why I recommend Rooibos if you have the same problem.

There are many other benefits of green tea which you can research. These are just a few. Makes me wonder why I've been drinking anything else!

Thursday 12 December 2013


I attended a model bootcamp on Saturday right before my visit to Khulani shelter. I was one of the model coaches, sharing my experiences over the past few years in the modeling industry. I dont consider myself as big as I'd to be just yet but I could definitely contribute some useful information. 

It was a really great experience for the aspiring models some of which were being trained for the very first time. Even if you arent a beginner, you never really learn enough.

10 hours of intense model training, that ended with a fashion show that all the newly trained models and their coaches (including myself) took part in. We wore stunning clothing from Butik Asia and Jacqui Emmanuel.

The show was opened by me with Jacqui Emmanuel's very dark ,urban and sexy collection.  Ending off with Butik Asia's very funky and colourful collection. 

The models had fun and left Blue Waters Hotel more informed and empowered to follow their dreams. Adding value to another's life will always be something I enjoy doing. In any way,shape or form.

Keep your eyes peeled for the next model bootcamp to take place no later than June 2014. 


Monday 9 December 2013

SA Bloggers Charity Event

SA Bloggers Charity Event

On Saturday  07 December 2013, I attended the SA BLOGGERS charity event which was a visit to Khulani childrens shelter in Parkhill,Durban.

It was great for bloggers to come together and REALLY make a difference.  With the passing of the "Father of the Nation" ,Nelson Mandela, it was of great significance.

Ofcourse the turn out was a lil disappointing to say the least,but all that truly matters is that we changed a few lives.Sounds cliche' but "Quality is better than quantity". We had a good time nonetheless. 

Charity work is something very close to my heart. It gives you such joy I cannot possibly explain. I give not only to the unfortunate,but its also a gift to myself.It makes me feel good and gives me a sense of purpose.

The kids were so precious and well behaved. Most importantly, they were happy despite the odds they've each had to face.

We spent about an hour with them. While they sang the National Anthem for us and devoured the goodies we brought for them. We got a little tour of the home and I swear those kids make their beds better than my grown self.

I must add that I take my hats off to the men and women who dedicate their lives to making sure that these children are well looked after and safe. They are often forgotten.

If you have a donation of any kind,please feel free to contact me or any of the SA Bloggers team members. 

You can follow @SABLOGGERS on twitter for more info.


Monday 2 December 2013


A chilled Sunday morning with the people I hold closest to my heart.

Started with a lovely breakfast at "Mugg & Bean" and ended with a movie marathon ♥.

Caption : Purple cropped top - Mr.price ; Denim Shorts - Forever 21;  Jacket - DCShoes Africa ; Sneakers - DCShoes  Africa